The healthcare industry is ripe for disruption
AI stands ready to administer a
"healthy dose of surprises".
If you've been hibernating in a cave, trying to avoid the SUNLIGHT of the advancing digital world, then it's time to wake up and smell the overheated circuitry taking place in healthcare.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a sideshow in the tech world for “those other industries”. Automated algorithms and mock-creative computers are reshaping the way people live, work, and play -- - that includes you and me and healthcare.
AI “coming to a device” near you:
💡 Medical imaging: With the help of AI-powered algorithms, robotic devices can identify areas for further research by a healthcare professional. This provides valuable insights to aid the healthcare professional interpreting, for example, radiological images. The more objects AI can detect in an image, the more accurate the detection system becomes. In this case "the more -- the better" and greater opportunity for accurate diagnosis.
💡 Surgical robots: AI enabled next generation of radiology tools will provide accurate and detailed images close enough to replace the need for invasive procedures for some cases. “Artificial intelligence is helping to enable “virtual biopsies” and advance the innovative field of radiomics, which focuses on harnessing image-based algorithms to characterize the phenotypes and genetic properties of tumors.” (See link to quote below).
💡 Electronic Medical Record: AI continues to progress into the EMR creating intuitive interfaces and automating some of the routine processes that consume much of the clinician’s time. Moving to the next level of AI, some suggest that medical services have great potential to be provided with the aid of a video – that is, a “clinical encounter”, which will then be translated into written documentation. Humm??
💡💡 Integration: Yes, this is the ultimate …. Disparate data (from all devices, encounters, locations …) that we currently struggle to integrate will be integrated into one knowledge record. Can you imagine going to the Emergency Department and the medical team having immediate access to a “complete medical record”?
AI is becoming an essential component to the delivery of healthcare --- some have described it as maturing from its "toddler" stage to a full-grown "tech teenager". Learn the importance of AI and the impact it will have on healthcare delivery and healthcare as a career --- before ---- it is a full-grown adult, and you (we) are trying to catch up.
The Insight -----
AI is revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered --- from the front-end rather than the back-end. This may be the answer many colleagues and healthcare professionals are seeking, especially in the revenue and reimbursement domains --- including coding the medical record, billing, auditing, accurate documentation, compliance, etc. as well as, checking on those payers and denials.
These functions will be the recipient of Artificial Intelligence’s impact at the start of the continuum of healthcare.
The AI revolution is well underway. The mammoth technology companies are on alert and well engaged in the transformation taking place in healthcare –- GOOG, AAPL, AMZN, WMT, etc.
Sourced Article:
Top 12 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Healthcare by Jennifer Bresnick
Published April 30, 2018 at Health IT Analytics.
Retrieved May 1, 2023
Why AI Stocks Could Be Your Key to Profits in 2023 and Beyond by The Motley Fool
Published May 10, 2023
Retrieved May May 10, 2023
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