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Black Lives Matter

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

This has been the slogan of 2020 – while pervasive, I ask what does “Black Lives Matter” mean to you?

I say, two points.

First, it means “treat me with respect”; don’t beat me half-to-death (Rodney King); don’t kill me in broad daylight with national TV watching (George Floyd); don’t break into a private home resulting in death of a young woman (Breonna Taylor) …..

Now, the second point, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is expected to imply an outcome. We expect people to know what we want when we say “Black Lives Matter” – but do people translate this to specific changes in attitudes and behaviors?

Our expectations must be implicit; otherwise, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is only ‘half of the meaning” and, some people will say “just another march and they will go home” (Trayvon Martin).

However, to make long-term, lasting change, we must define the desired outcomes and work with a strategy to reach the Goal.

We must communicate the desired outcome: African-Americans on Boards, African-Americans at the Table, African-Americans in Decision-Making positions, African-Americans leading, African-Americans in government positions, elected positions ….. This action must occur at our individual companies, at the local level, at corporations, state and national levels.

But we have come a long way this year; progress has been made. One impactful example comes from the CEO of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange; Adena Friedman proposed to the SEC, “Nasdaq will require boards to have at least one woman and one “diverse” director and report data on board diversity — or face consequences” – delisting from the exchange. (NYT; Nasdaq Pushes for Diversity in the Boardroom; December 1, 2020.)

One can argue that there are many aspects to these events, and I concur. All of us are affected with violence and murder and, 2020 has raised the awareness. However, to make long-term, lasting change, we must define the desired outcomes and work with a strategy to reach the Goal.


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