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Celebrate with IFHIMA and HIMAA as they co-host the 20th HIMAA National Conference

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

IFHIMA and HIMAA -- Advancing global health: in pursuit of high-quality digital information.
Join health information professionals from around the world in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Celebrate …. IFHIMA and HIMAA as they co-host the 20th HIMAA National Conference 29 October – 1 November, 2023 in Brisbane, Australia

Theme for 2023 ....

Advancing global health: in pursuit of high-quality digital information.

What's included?

100+ speakers, 10+ keynote & plenary sessions, 12 workshops

Including speaker from the U.S. ---- AHIMA President: Jennifer Mueller MBA, RHIA, SHIMSS, FACHE, FAHIMA; Vice President and Privacy Officer at Wisconsin Hospital

Discover and Learn current information impacting global healthcare:

Artificial Intelligence

Health Data Quality & Analytics

ICD-11, Coding & Classification

Clinical Documentation

Improvement & Data Integrity Information Governance,

Privacy & Security

Digital Health/Digital Transformation

Global Workforce Development

Research, Education & Training

Why Attend?

Leadership is needed throughout the continuum of healthcare. The World of Work is changing as the workforce transitions from an industrial economy to a digital economy. Leaders are a must in leading healthcare --- at the local level and globally.

Your favorite(s) speakers / topics?

Registration, pricing and more at International Federation of Health Information Management Association::


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