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Celebrating Health Information Professionals - the Medical Record Managers from paper to digital

Join the American Health Information Management Association in celebrating Health Information Professionals week, April 17 – 21.

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) sets aside a week every year to celebrate Health Information Professionals. HI Professionals are a “Key” factor in maintaining the Medical Record -- - providing leadership and "innovation" for Medical Coding, Clinical Documentation, Privacy and Security, Governance and Data Analytics.

This week we celebrate you ...

Health Information Professionals

The future role for HI Professionals is rewarding and challenging with new and innovative technologies rapidly intervening in our everyday lives.

· 🤔 HI Professionals can anticipate more analytical roles requiring advanced data knowledge as well as governance and management of healthcare data.

· 🤔 HI Professionals can anticipate more interaction with other entities, internal and external to healthcare, ~ especially, the Disrupters who have entered healthcare (AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, WMT, etc.)

. 🤔 HI Professionals should be prepared to be more engaged with other players in the healthcare market == possibly more direct interactions with patients (consumers) as well as government entities.

· 🤔 Value is realized – both individually for the HI Professional as well as the healthcare service with an active participation in advocacy and policy efforts.

Most importantly, HI Professionals must start to think Globally

--- our world is no longer “local” or limited to one system

or one way of doing work.

With the changing digital technologies, HI Professionals can look for a bright and fulfilling future in Information.

Today and the Future of Health Information is in your domain. Enjoy and celebrate … this is your week to receive the respect you have earned in managing the medical records.


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