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Healthcare – once a sacred space … is no longer so sacred .....

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Disrupters are making an impression on Healthcare – money is not an option.
Disrupters have arrived and are here to stay in Healthcare
Healthcare, once led by a physician (male) and deemed to have the sacred knowledge, is now integrated with technology, (Big Tech), retail, AI / ML.

Healthcare once led by a physician (male) – often working individually in private practice is now integrated with technology, (Big Tech), retail, AI / ML, both locally and globally. Disrupters have arrived and are making an impact to affect providers, payers, and consumers.

Data Counts:

Apple (AAPL) has long been in the healthcare arena, with the apple watch – measuring one’s health activities and choices, has given rise to information and data that can be shared with one’s provider to manage a healthy lifestyle.

Walmart (WMT) has also been in the healthcare space for decades and now offers, Care Clinic where services are provided for: “Primary Care, Dental, Counseling, Labs & x-rays, Health screening, Optometry, Hearing, Fitness and Nutrition, Health insurance & enrollment,” as noted in Forbes.

Alignment between WMT and EPIC (medical records) also creates the opportunity for streamlining the individual’s treatment record with the hospital’s Medical Record system – both are using the EPIC system.

But what gives these “outsiders” the

potential or opportunity

to succeed in the Healthcare space?

The Disrupters have in common ...

One feature the Mammoth Disrupters already have in common is – a customer base (a satisfied customer base). Yes, I said “A Satisfied Customer Base”. With deep roots in the culture of America, Walmart, for example, has been providing retail and food services for rural and urban individuals …and always at “lower prices”.

The retail market also offers the option for longer office hours that is not available with the traditional doctor’s office. WMT has proposed patient visits as early as 6 a.m., or as late as 9 p.m., and on the weekends. This asset cannot easily be match with individual or corporate providers.

The movement of Disrupters, as well as, expansion of those already in the Healthcare space have continued. The recent biggies:

➡ Amazon acquisition of provider OneMedical

️ ➡ Oracle purchase of Cerner

➡ Walgreens >> One provider that “may” not be getting the attention of other mammoths but is gaining expansion – slow and steady – is Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA). WBA has partnered with VillageMD and has made a majority-stake investment in CareCentrix as well as, specialty pharmacy Shields Health Solutions.

The overarching goal of Big Tech in healthcare is to provide healthcare that is more affordable and accessible for customers.

Each of these corporations has invested millions and/or billions into their healthcare ventures. They have more than “Healthcare skin” in the game. Yes, Wall Street is watching as these are public companies, but they also provide a service not possible with the traditional Healthcare model of service.

This author is one person who has complete respect for the Disrupters. As a Nurse, a Veteran, and decades of wisdom from Clinical Nursing, Reimbursement, Government and Private Personalized Projects, I can see the value and the disruption that has already occurred.

The Take-Away

Are you on board with the disrupters entering the Healthcare space? Either way – the change affects all of us – professionally and with career choices.

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