That’s the question Healthcare and Nurses are asking. Who bears the responsibility and the penalty when an event occurs?
Much has been written about the recent conviction of RaDonda Vaught – a Nurse who administered a medication that was fatal for a patient at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Some say the Nurse made the medication mistake due to “negligent behavior” – that is, she failed all protocol for administering medication. Others say (the majority of Healthcare and Nurses) that the Nurse made a mistake and admitted so. And, she should not be punished as a criminal and serve jail time.
The long-term effects have been described with troubling and frightening words.
“The conviction
will have a chilling effect on nurses
disclosing their own errors (or) near errors”.
"Health care just changed forever" and this is a “Dangerous Precedent" for the Nursing Profession and the Future of Nurses.
Nurses, physicians & healthcare professionals will continue to care for people, often putting their lives at risk (COVID is one example).
Globally – one issue that affects all of healthcare and anyone needing treatment is ..... the shortage of healthcare professionals. Myriad risks continue until the responsibilities are met with the financial requirements and, most of all –