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Will a Certification Get Me a JOB in Healthcare ... other factors apply.

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

Certifications alone will not get you a job in healthcare but certifications add value to one’s Career and Profession.
Certifications add Value to one’s Career and Profession.

Each and every day Social Media has numerous posts expressing the frustration … “I have my certification and am continuously turned down for a job” and, “How can I get the job when experience is required for the job”. This is especially true for Medical Coding positions that code Medical Diseases and Conditions (ICD-10; CPT and HCPCS).

After investing the time and resources to obtain a healthcare certification, often a person is faced with repeated rejection for a job due to lacking experience.

So, one might start by asking

>>> Do I need this certification?

>>> What will this certification do for my career?

>>> Will this certification immediately change my work situation?

>>> What value will the certification add to my life and career?

The decision one makes will determine the career path and continued growth – professionally, personally and emotionally.

Certifications add great value to the credentials that a person already has – college degrees, knowledge and skills obtained from work experience. However, it takes more than any one certification to position oneself in the job market. It takes knowledge … knowledge of a given topic, subject, or specialty and, especially knowledge of topics affecting healthcare today.

In addition, great benefit is realized when one can “SHOW” that you have the knowledge – that is, show it in writing. Then an employer can believe that you have the knowledge to go with the certification.

LinkedIn is a professional media where an individual can showcase their knowledge and do so for free. One’s profile allows the space to add articles, graphs, spreadsheets, Q&A, and more – anything to show you have the knowledge and skill to perform the work you are asking someone to believe in you.

Will a Certification get me a Job in Healthcare –

maybe, but other factors apply …

“any one certification alone will not get you a job”.

Take-away …. Certifications have “Value”. They support and add credibility to your knowledge in a given specialty and ensure that you are dedicated to maintaining a high level of professionalism for your career. One must present a complete picture – knowledge and the certification. One cannot stop after obtaining the certification – add to your knowledge and show it to a future employer.

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