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Systems must speak the same language – a mapping of terminologies to share data across platforms and environments. Healthcare data coded from ICD-10, CPT, LOINC, SNOMED CT, share the common language to communicate standards for optimum health care.


​Mapping​ medical terms to achieve global health

Classification systems |  ICD-10  |   ICD-11 with clinical vocabulary | SNOMED CT 

Clinical Terminology 

In the era of moving healthcare from “paper” to “electronic”, terminologies and vocabularies have taken on significant importance. Healthcare is unique in that, the use and need for standard clinical terminology exist throughout the delivery of care and continues to increase and expand with maturity of electronic communication – EHR, mobile communication, wearables, telehealth, and ongoing.

In order to "talk" the same language – code, report and share healthcare information – systems must speak the same language. This means coded information from one system must be mapped to information from another system to provide a seamless flow of meaningful healthcare data. A fully integrated system provides an optimum state for the provider to practice medicine safely and the patient to receive the best care.


Collaborating with clinicians, information specialist, and system experts, expect service for:

Terminology Management

Concept Relations – SNOMED CT

Mapping Medical Terms

Standards | ICD-10 and ICD-11

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